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Island of Adventures. Looking over the lake and can see Jurassic Park Discovery Center building along with Velicocoaster roller coaster big hill called a top hot. Hogwart's Castle is in the background behind the roller coaster track.

Universal Florida Roller Coasters – Full List (2023)

If coasters and thrill rides are your thing, Universal Orlando Resort in Florida has plenty to keep you entertained. Even roller coaster enthusiasts. Universal Studios has three and Islands of Adventure has four coasters.  Between the two theme park that’s seven coasters total to thrill and delight you on your next visit and this list will include them all.

Rating the excitement level of roller coasters is entirely subjective. But I’ll do my best to give you a courage rating taking into account fear of heights, drops and other maneuvers. Rating them Tame, Story Coasters or Intense. I’ve included a chart near the end of the article that has speeds, height requirements, and all the details so you can further decide if a ride is to your liking and courage level.

So let’s get started with the list of all Universal Florida roller coasters. At the end of the list are a few tips for riding that you don’t want to miss.


Starting in Universal Studios Florida, let’s take a look at the coasters in each area. I’ve included the area of the park as well for easy location. And ranked these from Tame to Intense. But this park offers a good selection of coasters to suit your thrill (or not so thrilling) needs.

Escape From Gringotts

THRILL LEVEL: Story Coaster

Test Seats – Yes

Universal Express Pass – Yes

Single Rider Line – Yes

dragon atop Grigott's Bank in Diagon Alley facing skyward.

This is one of the most underrated rides of any type in either park. Located in the Wizarding World of Harry Potter in Diagon Alley, it’s easy to spot. Gringott’s Bank holds the ride and queue and you can’t miss the fire-breathing dragon perched on top of the Bank.

This is a dark ride which means the entire coaster is located inside a building. It is also 3-D. There are free lockers to store your belongings. Much like Harry, Ron and Hermione in the movie, you are trying to sneak into a vault at Gringotts. The queue for this ride is excellent with animatronic goblins. Even if you lack the courage to ride, take time to go through the ride’s queue. They will let you go to the exit without riding. I promise.

Inside of Gringott's Bank. Marble floor with large chandelier. Goblins are busy at work at their desks to the left and right.
©2021 Universal Orlando. All Rights Reserved.


The ride is a motion simulator dark ride (think The Amazing Adventures of Spider-man) with rollercoaster elements. It does have a tilt and then a minor drop with several banking turns that are more rollercoaster elements. It is a beautiful story coaster. More exciting than the “Tame” rides but not very intense. This is a must for Harry Potter fans.

Since it is indoors, it is hard to know height and speed, but nothing too intense. Universal’s original slogan, “Ride the Movies” is fully brought to life with this ride. Muggles and wizards alike will enjoy this richly themed coaster.


Revenge of the Mummy

THRILL LEVEL: Story Coaster

Test Seats – Yes

Universal Express Pass – Yes

Single Rider Line – Yes

Egyptian man in full headdress with exagerrated lined eyes has arms outstretched. He is centered underneath the Revenge of the Mummy sign.
©2021 Universal Orlando. All Rights Reserved.


A fan and passholder favorite, this rollercoaster is located in the New York City section of the park in, where else but the Musuem of Antiquities. Detailed queue even if it is a little dark. Another indoor coaster, this one is a little more “coastery” (Is that a word?) than Escape from Gringotts but nowhere near enough for an Intense rating.

Based off of the characters of the Revenge of the Mummy movie, Brendan Fraser reprises his role and Imhotep is still the villain. The ride begins with a missing crew member, Reggie, and is full of movie events. And it may or may not even include a fake end.

The Patricks' on ride photo on the Mummy Roller Coaster. Shows us during the ride.

Riding with those who have ridden before, may result in amusing (or annoying) riders saying the words in one particular ride scene. And, by the end of the ride you will understand why fans are always bringing Brendan Fraser cups of coffee (an inside joke you will now be a part of).

A little bit faster (45 mpw) with a 39 foot drop – this one delivers on both story and coaster thrills. It has a section where the coaster train moves backwards and rotates 180°. Many more traditional coaster elements but nothing too extreme.

You will quickly see why it is a fan favorite. Thrilling and immersive but unlikely to produce a white knuckle death grip (even if many of the ride photos tell a different story). And it has mummies and scarab beetles – what go could wrong?


Hollywood Rip Ride Rockit


Test Seats – Yes

Express Pass – Yes

Single Rider Line – Yes

Rip Ride Rockit's coaster vehicle is just starting down the very tall hill.

The most intense rollercoaster in Universal Studios (one of the two parks) is hands down Rip Ride Rockit. Of the three in this park, it is multiple times the intensity of the other coasters. Located in the Production Central area of the park, near the entrance, you can’t miss seeing this thrilling ride as it towers over the park. There is a metal detector in the queue and free lockers to store your items while you ride.

Not gonna lie. This is something of a bumpy or “rough” coaster. And you may get a headache. If courage will allow you to wait, this is perfect to end the day. And maybe take some ibuprofen before just in case. This coaster lights up and is even better at night.

Unique Roller Coaster Features

Even though rough, this ride has so many unique and fun features that make it a bucket list item. Without a doubt. First, the 90° vertical chain lift hill. 167 feet into the air. While I love coaster elements and height is not an issue for me, I have a love/hate relationship with lift hills that go straight up. This is my personal white knuckle moment. It’s not slow, but at that height – it’s about 8 seconds.

The other unique feature is that you get to pick your own song. How cool is that? You can even choose “I Will Survive” by Gloria Gaynor. The seats and speakers are set up in such a way that only you hear your song. And music helps masks the sounds of your possible screams.

It also records you during your ride so that you and your chosen song can be immortalized for all eternity if you choose to purchase your own music video of your ride.

riders going downhill on the track of Rip Ride Rockit rollercoaster.
©2021 Universal Orlando. All Rights Reserved.


It has a large drop once you crest the lift hill and immediately goes into a non-inverted loop called “The Double Take.” While you never go upside down, if you don’t like the sensation of upside down, you may want to reconsider. The way it rides the track, you will feel as if you are upside down except at the very top of the loop. It’s a really fun element.

There are so many fun elements on this coaster. Like many coasters, the scariest elements are at the beginning of the ride and the remainder is just fun after you’ve already cheated death on the more extreme elements. If you like thrills, this is a can’t miss.

Which song will you choose?



While this theme park has four roller coasters, and something for everyone on the scale, it also offers more intense coasters (even on the Intense rating).


Flight of the Hippogriff


Express Pass – Yes

Riders seated 2 by 2 on Flight of the Hippogriff coaster. Hogwart's castle can be seen in the background.
©2021 Universal Orlando. All Rights Reserved.


Located in the Hogsmeade section of the Wizarding World of Harry Potter at the back of the park is this family-friendly coaster.

Just like in the books and movies, Hagrid is here to teach you how to ride a Hippogriff (or a replica). While taller than the (now closed) Woody Woodpecker coaster, this coaster doesn’t feel higher because of the trees of the surrounding Forbidden Forrest.

This is an excellent beginner coaster for young and old alike and offers a spectacular view of Hagrid’s Hut and surrounding Hogsmeade and Hogwart’s castle. No element is extreme enough to be frightening and just fast enough to provide a nice breeze.

While most definitely a tame ride, if there’s one negative it would be that two adults riding side-by-side are going to be cramped on legroom. And I say this as a relatively short person. It is not the most comfortable due to the leg confinement, but is otherwise a very enjoyable ride with great views.

If you have Express Pass, all the better as wait times and lines for this ride can get quite lengthy. Since it has a lower height requirement than Forbidden Journey and Hagrid’s Motorbikes, it tends to stay quite busy to give consolation to riders not tall enough to ride the other nearby thrill rides.

This is a can’t miss opportunity for any Harry Potter fan to stay immersed in all things Wizarding World.


Hagrid’s Magical Creatures Motorbike Adventure

THRILL LEVEL: Story Coaster

Test Seats – Yes

Universal Express Pass – No

Single Rider Line – Yes

Riders on the motorbike and sidecar going down the track. Building ruins are in the background.
©2021 Universal Orlando. All Rights Reserved.


Also located in the Hogsmeade section of the Wizarding World of Harry Potter is probably one of the best coasters on the face of the Earth. “Hagrid’s” or “Motorbike Coaster” as it is commonly called because the full name is a mouthful, is proof that you don’t have to have extreme and intense to have a great coaster. The steady and long wait times are absolutely worth it.

The storytelling and details on this family-friendly ride and the queue are extremely impressive. The storytelling is made easier because it is a record breaking launch coaster (meaning it starts and stops reaching speed in seconds). The detailing is so elaborate that it even has built in speakers for Hagrid to talk and it makes actual motorcycle sounds.

The ride vehicle is also detailed to look like actual motorcycles and sidecars. Taller and larger guests will find they are most likely to fit and not be cramped on the motorbike. The side car has shin guards that while it doesn’t hurt, it really really locks your legs in place.

This is the ultimate story coaster as every element of the ride is part of the story. Immersive. And it is smooth. Incredibly smooth ride. There are lots of banking turns but they are smooth and fun more than scary. At 50 mph, it doesn’t feel overly fast but fun. You may find yourself wanting to push on the nonexistent brake a little as you approach a curve. Not scary but to anyone who drives, your mind knows you should slow down for the curves.

The two elements that may be concerning are that the ride at one point (that you don’t see coming) will take you almost straight up about 65 feet and then the motorbikes “stall” and it sends you plummeting backwards through a series of backward track. If heights and dropping from height concern you, try to sit in one of the last rows. Having ridden almost every row, the last few rows barely go up any height. At all.

On ride photo on Hagrids roller coaster. Mike and Tracey with Mike riding the motorcycle and Tracey in the sidecar. A cornish pixie is to the left of Mike causing the mischief.

Shortly after, you enter a stop inside where Devil’s Snare gets hold of you. There’s only one thing to do , use a “Lumos Solem” spell (because like Ron who can stay still?) and fall on through. That’s a freefall feeling for the riders. It’s 17 feet though you can’t see any of it. While it is a freefall, it’s nowhere near as bad as it sounds. It’s more like a very, very short drop ride. It’s over just as soon as you realize what is about to happen.

If you are a Harry Potter or coaster fan, this ride is an absolute must! More entertaining than extreme. Just a great ride. This one should absolutely be on your bucket list of Universal Florida rides.


Incredible Hulk Coaster


Test Seats – Yes

Express Pass – Yes

Single Rider Line – Yes

Photo of the cobra roll on the Hulk roller coaster. The track looks like a cobra head poised to strike.

Located in the Marvel Super Hero Island section near the front of the park, you will have no trouble seeing or hearing this ride. The distinctive roar of the ride racing down the track can be heard in much of the park. The walkway bridge to this park section goes under and over the track.

This coaster is a perennial park favorite known for the sheer intensity of this ride. Seven inversions and significant G-forces. While launch coasters are fairly common now, when this coaster was first in introduced, they were much rarer. Universal actually has generators because the power needed to launch this coaster might have caused brownouts.

Going from 0 to 40 mph in 2 seconds uphill remains an adrenaline rush. Literally after leaving the launch tunnel you go into a zero-g roll (also called a heartline roll or barrel roll). This type of inversion is really fun if you like this type of thing.

The ride’s big drop (105’ feet) is next and is followed by its famous cobra roll which counts for two more of the inversions.  This ride has so many different elements that it is no wonder it has remained a favorite for so many years. With seven inversions that all seem to be somewhat different than each other it keeps the ride fresh and is one of the best all around coasters.

Photo of the Patricks taken during the ride of the Hulk roller coaster. We are holding onto the shoulder restraints enjoying the ride.
NOTE: Masks are no longer required when visiting the park.

This ride has over-the-shoulder restraints and a seatbelt-like attachment to further hold the restraint to the seat. Fairly comfortable and the restraints are very reassuring and you feel very safe. The g-forces on this ride seem to work to keep you pushed into your seat overall. It’s a very different type of intensity of say, Velocicoaster, where airtime makes you feel the opposite.

Free lockers are available as well as you must go through a metal detector. This ride is everything a top tier coaster should be. If you do not like being upside down, you will white knuckle every inch of this ride. If you enjoy inversions, this will be bucket list must.


Jurassic World Velocicoaster



Test Seats – Yes

Express Pass – Yes

Single Rider Line – Yes

Zero G stall on Velicocoaster roller coaster. Riders are upside down with a raptor looking up at them.
Zero G Stall on Velicocoaster

This coaster is sheer brilliance and hands down one of the best new rides ever at Universal. It is fast and smooth and almost has a graceful quality to it. It easily rises to the top of the list of coasters. Located in the Jurassic Park section (near Jurassic Park River Adventure), you will know it as the ride wraps around the Discovery Center and the top hat can be seen from anywhere in the park.

This is certainly the most intense ride at Universal but not in the way that you think. So much airtime. Airtime doesn’t feel like you are being ejected, but weightless. Your rear can (and will) leave the seat but you will never feel that you will fall out even though you only have a lap bar. Sitting in the test seat will help you understand how secure the restraint is.

Running with raptors – what could go wrong? The ride launches you into an upside down maneuver known as a Jr. Immelman loop, then through the rocks weaving in and out and then through a dive loop. These two inversions are fun but intense.

The second launch takes you to the top speed of 70 mph and basically straight up (and down) the top hat at an 80° angle (beautiful view of everything for the split second you are on top) and straight into a zero g stall (that’s upside down in a straight line). I really thought the stall would be much scarier. It’s fun but after the other elements, it’s not particularly scary.

on-ride photo taken during ride on Velocicoaster roller coaster. Smiling riders.

There are many, many smooth banking turns back and forth before you cross a tiny dip hill and then you enter the heartline roll over the water. You will feel this. In that delicious way when you cross a small hill or dip in the road just a little too fast. It’s exhilarating rather than frightening. And you do feel close enough to touch the water below you (even though you can’t).

This was the only coaster ever that the first time I rode made my knees and legs weak. Not in fear but an adrenaline rush. You will want to get right back on to ride it again and again.

Theming is detailed and perfect. Metal detectors and free lockers for this ride. If you don’t like heights, high speeds and airtime, this is not the ride for you. If you can muster the courage, this will be one of the best coaster experiences of your life.




  • Row position has much to do with the enjoyment (or not) of your ride. Front row allows you to see everything. It is, the absolute best view from the ride. Back row allows you to feel everything. The intensity of the ride is always stronger on the back row. Using those two you can choose a seat best for any concerns or nerve on the ride.
  • Almost all coasters are quite a different ride experience at night vs. the day. Riding each ride twice for day and night is almost like riding a brand new ride.
  • When on a new coaster, keep your head straight or resting on the back of the seat. It can really help the enjoyment.
  • A lanyard or zippered pockets lets you safely keep your ticket to get back into your locker. A lanyard can be safely tucked into your shirt.
  • If you wear prescription glasses or want to wear sunglasses, always have a glasses strap. Not only will it keep you from losing your glasses but will help keep them in the proper position so you can enjoy your ride.
  • Ladies, on inverted coasters if you are wearing loose shirts or racerback tanks, make sure and tuck them in. Especially Velocicoaster. You don’t want any wardrobe malfunctions.
  • No flipflops (or prepare to curl your toes very, very tight).






I hope you have enjoyed this list of all roller coasters at Universal Studios and Islands of Adventure in Orlando, Florida.  From Tame to Intense, there’s plenty to choose from.


The big question is:  Which will you ride first?

The Patricks

Mike and Tracey Patrick are adventurers at heart with a love of all things travel. They believe life and every, single day should be an adventure. You can join them on them on their travel blog that offers unique destinations and guides to make every vacation an adventure.

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